Other Wind
Assessment Work

Additional Wind Resource Services We Offer

Beyond our core assessments, we offer a range of supplementary services designed to meet various needs in wind energy development. These include corrected long-term weather station data through MCP (Measure-Correlate-Predict) analysis, which provides a robust foundation for accurate wind resource assessment. 

We also offer services to optimise the layout of your wind farm, taking into account factors like wind direction, turbine spacing, and terrain features to maximise energy yield and operational efficiency. These additional services can be tailored to complement our main offerings, ensuring a holistic approach to your wind energy project.

WindCheck Process

Expert Advice

We have helped 100s of wind developments and can recommend the right service for your development.


Trusted Processes

Our detailed modelling processes includes all local wind breaks, so our reports won’t let you down.


Fast Turnaround

We understand project timescales can be tight. We can get your data ready in as little as 10 days.


Customer Support

We are on hand to answer follow up questions and liase with other project stakeholders.


A trusted process

A unique wind assessment process developed over 12 years

We combine advanced weather simulations with state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to process our resource assessments.

This process means you don’t need a physical met mast at the site. This saves you time and money. The process we use has been thoroughly validated against real data and used on 100s of sites that have been successfully developed

Complete Resource & Site Assessment Services

While our focus is on wind resource and site suitability assessments, we recognise that a comprehensive wind energy project may require a broader array of services. These could include:

1. Environmental Impact Assessments
2. Noise Studies
3. Shadow Flicker Analysis
4. Visual Impact Assessments
5. Due Diligence Services
6. Grid Connection Studies
7. Feasibility Studies
8. Construction and Operational Monitoring
9. Energy Forecasting
10. Turbine Selection Advice

If you require any of these services, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We have a network of trusted partners specialising in these areas, and we would be pleased to refer you to a qualified expert to meet your specific needs.

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At WindCheck, our wind energy consultants understand the critical role that wind resource plays in the success of your energy project. Without accurate wind data, your project's commercial viability could be at stake, regardless of planning consent or grid connection. That's where our comprehensive WindClick wind analysis comes in.

You can also call us directly: +44(0)117 214 0405

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