In a significant breakthrough for the onshore wind energy sector in the United Kingdom, the government has introduced changes to the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).  These revisions not only promise to rejuvenate the growth of onshore wind farms but also offer a ray of hope for a cleaner and more sustainable energy future. 

Amendment Changes to the NPPF

The first amendment changes the way that planning authorities assess the impact of onshore wind farms on local residents. Under the previous rules, planning authorities were required to address every single concern raised by local residents, even if those concerns were minor or had already been addressed by the developer. This led to a lot of delays and uncertainty, as they had to go back and forth with the planning authority to address every single objection.  The new amendment change will mean it’s easier for planning authorities to grant permission for onshore wind farms, as they will only need to address the main concerns of local residents. The second amendment changes the way that potential wind farm sites are identified. Under the previous rules, potential wind farm sites could only be identified and secured if they were included in the local authority’s local development plan. This meant that it could take many years for a wind farm project to get approved, as the local authority would first need to update its local development plan. This means potential development sites for wind farms will no longer need to be included in the local development plan. This will speed up the planning process and make it easier for developers to get projects approved.

Taking Strides Towards a Greener and More Sustainable Future

WindCheck stands by the government’s decision to simplify the development of onshore wind projects. “This is great news for the both the environment and the onshore wind industry in the UK. states Robert Sunderland, Director for WindCheck.  With these new amendments in place, the journey to onshore wind development becomes more streamlined and accessible. By simplifying the planning and approval process, these changes create a more efficient and sustainable environment for clean energy projects.

Onshore Wind Development: A New Dawn

Image of a sunset on a windy hill The number of onshore wind farm applications approved in England declined sharply from 2016 to 2022. Only 12 applications were approved in this period, compared to 444 sites that had planning permission in the previous 6 years. The stats speak for themselves, changes were needed. These changes in policy signify a pivotal moment for the onshore wind energy sector, bringing with them the promise of growth, sustainability, and a brighter, cleaner future for the United Kingdom. It’s a call to action for all stakeholders to embrace these opportunities and collaborate to harness the power of wind energy like never before.

Join WindCheck in Shaping a Sustainable Energy Future

As we embark on this journey toward a cleaner and more sustainable future, WindCheck invites you to be part of the change. Together, we can seize the immense potential of onshore wind development, promote sustainability, and contribute to a greener world.  If you are a landowner or a wind energy professional looking to assess your wind farm’s potential without incurring substantial expenses, please reach out to us today. We are here to assist you in obtaining the appropriate wind resource assessment or other site assessment tailored to your needs.