What are the main steps involved in developing a wind farm on my land?

There are several steps you need to look into:

  1. Wind resource survey
  2. Geotechnical survey
  3. Environmental impact assessment
  4. Grid connection study
  5. Planning assessment
  6. Turbine Supply Agreement
  7. Financing arrangements

WindCheck wind energy consultants can help with assessing wind energy resources. This is main financial driver of the project and as such, we recommend it is conducted early on in the development. We can also help to connect you with suppliers and professionals for the other steps involved in developing a wind farm project.

Can you help us determine the size and type of wind turbines that would be appropriate for our project?

Yes. Our process is very flexible so we can assess a number of turbine types and different hub heights to make sure you choose the right machine for your site

What is the wind resource potential my site?

We have lots of ways to help answer this question. If you are early in the process, we would recommend a WindClick report. This is high level and cost effective, so if you don’t get planning permission or a grid connection, you won’t have committed too much. If you are further down the line we recommend a wind resource or site suitability assessment.

Are your reports bankable?

Yes. We are bankable with lots of lenders in this space.

What results can you deliver?

WindClick provides an average wind speed estimate for the location. Wind Resource Assessments provide W50, W90 and P50 and P90. A site suitability report provides all the above and includes wind shear, turbulence and extreme gust data.

Do I need a met mast on site?

All of our assessments are designed to give high quality data without needing an onsite met station. Our process has been thoroughly validated and tested.

My site is very complex, there are either lots of buildings or trees nearby or the terrain is complicated. Can you help?

We use high resolution modelling to capture the effects of individual buildings and trees on wind resource. We are uniquely placed to help people assess complex sites.

How long does an assessment take?

WindClick take 2 business days and our more detailed reports are ready within 15 business days. These timescales can take months of your development time and dramatically improve return on investment.

Where do you get your data?

We use the industry standard ERA5 dataset from the European Centre for Medium range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF). This is processed using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model and enhanced with Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD).

How accurate are your reports?

According to our validation study, the wind data we generate is within 0.35m/s of the true long term wind speed for the majority of sites.

Contact Us Now

At WindCheck, our wind energy consultants understand the critical role that wind resource plays in the success of your energy project. Without accurate wind data, your project's commercial viability could be at stake, regardless of planning consent or grid connection. That's where our comprehensive WindClick wind analysis comes in.

You can also call us directly: +44(0)117 214 0405

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