Reshaping energy
for the future

Wind Energy Consultants Helping Wind Power Developers Build & Optimise.

Market Leading Tools for Renewable Developments

Wind Energy Yield Estimates For Your Project

When considering a wind development, accurate estimation of the available wind and energy resources at the site is vital. Wind energy consultants play a crucial role in this process. By leveraging their expertise, you can ensure that your site is commercially feasible, as the available resource directly influences the payment you receive for the energy produced.

Early wind speed data saves costs by informing decisions and assessing project viability. It helps estimate energy production potential, optimising profitability and minimising financial risks associated with poor resources.

As wind energy consultants, we have a great line-up of services that can help you develop your site faster and with more confidence.  Whether you are prospecting for new sites, optimising your turbine selection or re-powering, we can help.

Our ServicesServices for any stage of your development

Cost effective site screening

Turbine siting

Bankable resource assessments

Site classification assessments

WindCheck Process

Expert Advice

We have helped 100s of wind developments and can recommend the right service for your development.


Trusted Processes

Our detailed modelling processes includes all local wind breaks, so our reports won’t let you down.


Fast Turnaround

We understand project timescales can be tight. We can get your data ready in as little as 10 days.


Customer Support

We are on hand to answer follow up questions and liase with other project stakeholders.


A trusted process

A unique wind assessment process developed over 12 years

We combine advanced weather simulations with state-of-the-art computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to process our resource assessments.

This process means you don’t need a physical met mast at the site. This saves you time and money. The process we use has been thoroughly validated against real data and used on 100s of sites that have been successfully developed

WindCheck Services

Wind Click

Discover the power of WindClick – the ultimate solution for quickly and affordably assessing the wind resource potential of your site. Get precise wind speed estimates within 48 hours, allowing you to de-risk your development and make informed decisions early on. Secure your WindClick report now and propel your wind energy project toward success.

Wind Resource Assessments

A detailed, bankable, assessment for developers looking to secure funding for their project. Unleash the potential of your wind farm project with our comprehensive Wind Resource Assessment services. Our assessment covers everything from gross yield estimates to P50 and P90 figures, providing a complete picture of the risks and returns associated with your venture.

Repowering Assessment

Empower your wind energy project with our specialized Repowering Assessment services. If you’re looking to repower, we can tell you how a new machine will perform at your site. Whether your turbine has reached the end of its lifespan or you’re considering an upgrade, WindCheck is here to assist. Evaluate various options, access finance, and make informed decisions with our in-depth analysis.

Site Suitability Assessment

Elevate your wind farm project’s success with our comprehensive Wind Farm Site Suitability Reports. This assessment will not only give you an accurate estimate of the wind and energy resource, but it will also warn you of potential issues like high turbulence or extreme winds. By leveraging simulation-based methods, we quickly and affordably provide crucial data to help you mitigate risks and make informed decisions for a smoother development process.

Other Wind Assessment Work

We cover the whole spectrum of wind assessment services, from MCP analysis to wind farm layout optimisation. 

Wind Energy Consultants Redefining Resource Assessments

Climate Impact Assessment

We are constantly evolving and updating our processes. The next development in wind resource assessments is to incorporate Climate Change projections.

The industry standard for wind resource assessment is to use the last twenty years of weather data as a guide for the next twenty years. The changing climate means that this assumption has to be questioned, and as wind energy consultants, we are here to help.

Through our partnership with our sister company, Redlines, we are incorporating crucial climate change adaptation data into our wind resource assessment process. This will help you identify and prepare for any future climate-related threats and opportunities. Simply ask to get this data added to your report.

Evolving & updating our processes

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Industry Leading Wind Energy Consultants

Our reports have been relied upon on over 1400 developments.

Our reports have been used and relied upon extensively in the UK. The map below shows the locations where our data has been used.

+ Projects

We have extensive experience of all kinds of wind development.


We have worked with many clients. Our reputation is excellent and we have many positive testimonials.

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Contact Us Now

At WindCheck, our wind energy consultants understand the critical role that wind resource plays in the success of your energy project. Without accurate wind data, your project's commercial viability could be at stake, regardless of planning consent or grid connection. That's where our comprehensive WindClick wind analysis comes in.

You can also call us directly: +44(0)117 214 0405

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